We advise granting the right of first move to whoever was the last person to watch a soccer game in the stadium, but players may otherwise legally determine who goes first.
All cards are placed on the table with the lawn labeled "Rivet" facing up, mixed thoroughly and laid out in 10 rows of 10 cards in each row. Any other number of rows and cards in each row is allowed at your discretion.
The main thing is that the cards on the table should resemble even rows of spectator seats at a soccer stadium.
Each player has the right to turn over any two cards in one turn. Depending on what is shown on these two cards - the player acts as follows:
- If two open cards show the same player, the player takes the cards and has the right to another turn.
- But as soon as the images on two open cards are NOT the same - the player acts as follows:
- if the card has a picture of a player - the player turns it back over with the turf up and puts it exactly where it was. The other players try to memorize its location.
- if the card is yellow, red, VAR or PLAY GAME - the player takes the card as a prize card and takes it for himself.
The turn passes to the next player.
Rules for using prize cards:
VAR - can be used by its holder only before his next move in order to look once and see any two cards on the table without showing it to others, put it back on the table lawn up and make the whole current move using the information received from VAR. A VAR card is discarded into the discard pile after it has been used.
PLAY GAME - can be used by its holder instead of his turn to challenge any other player to a match, if both opponents already have at least one pair of players. Both participants in the match roll a die which shows the number of goals they have scored in the match. The first to roll the die is the one who used the match card. The one who threw more goals on the die wins. If the score on the die is the same, the players repeat rolling the die until one throws more than the other. The winner of the match has the right to take any pair of player cards from their opponent. A PLAY GAME card is discarded into the discard pile after it has been used.
YELLOW - can be used by its holder at any moment (including in the middle of others' turn) to disqualify any player. After a yellow card is used, it is discarded and the turn passes to the next player in turn.
RED - can be used by its holder at any time (including in the middle of others' turn) to disqualify all players, then the turn passes to the player who played the red card. After the red card is used, it is discarded.
As in real soccer, 2 yellow cards turn into a red card. After playing 2 yellow cards on the opponent, the red card rules start to apply.
The game ends when there are no cards left on the table. The winner is the player whose players have the highest sum of points. If two players have the same sum, the winner is the one who has collected the greatest number of all cards, including unused prize cards that did not go into the rebound.